Gleau Nourishing Oils Blend Giveway!

I'm getting that itch again to launch another product giveaway. In the past, I've conducted a couple of Burt's Bees contests which were really popular the readers. This time, I thought I'd try something new. A product that is near and dear to my heart. Ladies this giveaway, you'll get a chance to receive a 2 oz bottle of Gleau Nourishing Oil Blend! Yes, that's right. I'll contact the winner on August 1 and anyone who send me an email  with the title "Gleau giveway" will get a chance to enter. Please send in your emails by Saturday July 31, 2010, midnight Eastern.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the fantasticness that is Gleau, this oil blend is one of the few all natural argan oil products on the market. If you look closely at some of the popular argan oil products on the market, you'll find that most contain several types silicones in the mix. Not to mention that most of them are much more costly and don't include other beneficial oils like ceramide containing wheat germ, strand penetrating coconut or scalp healthy oils like jojoba. You've got to get your hands on this product and now is your chance!

Good luck everyone!