Relaxed and I used ORS Olive Oil Relaxer

I'm finally relaxed and it feels good. I did a quick video showing my hair and the final result. I had a better than expected time at the Salon. My hair grew a good amount. I was pretty shocked at how my ends held up. I didn't trim and I was soooo excited to not have to go through that again! The Bun Challenge on Hairlista Inc. is really working as well as moisturizing and sealing in sections. My ends did not CHANGE at ALL.

Since I had a good amount of growth in just 10 weeks, I think I'll be consistent and officially start relaxing every 10 weeks. No need to go beyond that. Check out my video if you haven't already.

My stylist also recommended AG Products, specifically the conditioner & Jamaican Black Castor Oil as a pre-poo the night before I shampoo. He said I'd love it. Have you ladies tried AG Products? If so, how did you like/dislike it?
